Administrative Law
Administrative Law takes its basic principles and principles from the constitution. Administrative Law regulations govern the activities and organization of the administration. Administrative law, which is a very young branch of law, is uncodified. administrative law, jurisprudence that emerged with the French Revolution in 1789 It is based on. The main idea in administrative law is "public interest". The resolution of disputes arising from administrative law is carried out by the administrative judiciary. Administrative law is a very comprehensive and complex branch of law that is closely related to many branches of law. Administrative law, which is examined under several different subheadings, is as follows in terms of its sub-branches:
- Regulation,
- Zoning Law,
- Tender Law,
- Administrative Sanctions,
- Status (Civil Servant) Law,
- Administrative Trial Procedure,
- Administrative Contracts Law.
Administrative Law Lawyer
Administrative law lawyers, as the name suggests, are experts in the field of administrative law, who are experts in the process of judicial resolution of disputes arising from administrative law. Administrative law lawyer; It can take part in disputes between public institutions and citizens, as well as disputes between public institutions and organizations and companies.
A competent and experienced administrative law lawyer plays an important role in completing the current problem by using legal solutions in disputes between individuals and state institutions and organizations. To give a few examples of cases where attorney services are provided by an administrative law lawyer in practice:
- Lawsuits requesting the administration to pay compensation,
- Cases for annulment of administrative acts,
- Objection to administrative fines or cancellation cases,
- Cases arising from expropriation,
- Cases regarding civil servants and students,
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Experienced Administrative Law Lawyer
It is extremely important to contact an experienced administrative law lawyer and get legal help from him/her in order to achieve positive results in a short time. There are many benefits to receiving legal advice from an administrative law attorney. By receiving legal advice, the person first learns whether his current situation can be evaluated within the scope of administrative law. This issue is important because in practice, people interpret the events they experience with their own knowledge and therefore take erroneous or negligent actions. Due to such transactions, losses of rights and interests that are difficult to compensate are often experienced. In this respect, it is important to get help from an experienced lawyer in any legal problem encountered, in order to carry out the necessary procedures immediately from the beginning of the process and to achieve the desired result.
Istanbul Administrative Law Lawyer
Since the transactions carried out by the administration benefit from the presumption of legality, they are considered lawful until the contrary is proven. In this respect, it is a common situation that people do not use legal remedies against illegal transactions established by the administration and therefore the transactions are considered lawful. In order to avoid loss of rights in such unlawful actions carried out by the administration, a lawsuit must be filed in the administrative court against the administrative action in question. Lawyers who work in cases handled by the administrative judiciary are called "administrative law lawyers". Since Istanbul administrative law lawyers are lawyers who are knowledgeable and expert in administrative law, they work to achieve the desired result by providing the necessary legal support in all cases and transactions.
Istanbul Administration Lawyer Fees
The fact that the administration has the privilege of public power causes it to be superior to the other party in the contracts, legal transactions and acts to which it is a party. In this respect, it is extremely important that people who are relatively weak against the administration are represented by a lawyer who is competent and qualified in terms of administrative law. For this reason, people give power of attorney to an administrative law lawyer in order to be represented in the best way in a transaction or administrative court case in which they are a party against the administration. Istanbul administrative law attorney also applies a price based on the knowledge and experience he will offer to people. The fee requested by the lawyer represents the legal assistance he will provide to his client.
Istanbul administrative lawyer determines the attorney fee to be requested from his client, taking into account the characteristics of the concrete case and the workload it will impose on him. Since there are many parameters that affect the attorney fee to be determined freely between the person and the lawyer, it is not possible to express a clear amount about attorney fees. To have an approximate idea about the fee, it would be useful to look at the amounts stipulated in the attorney minimum wage tariff. However, it should not be forgotten that the amounts stated in the minimum wage tariff are minimum wages.